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The Prospect Series has two levels of play.  Tier I (“A” & “AA”). The Prospect Series is designed for skilled hockey players looking to compete against similar leveled teams from other Tier I or II programs and areas throughout the Atlantic Provinces.  Program includes 12 season games (including playoffs), minimum of 8 hrs of practice time, optional participation in the Atlantic Cup tournament held in Moncton or Halifax.  Includes socks, jersey & practice jersey.

2022 Registration
(Players registering for programs below must have been selected and contacted by the coach of the RiverBandits program.  Any player not selected, but registering will be removed and a $35 admin fee will  automatically be applied.)

PLEASE NOTE:  Champions Hockey Academy will be following all recommendations, guidelines and protocols laid out by the Province Of New Brunswick and the Chief Medical Officer with regards to Covid-19. If Champions Hockey is forced to postpone or cancel programs due to Covid-19, refunds will be process as per the Champions Hockey Spring Program refund Policy.  If participants do not respect protocols put in place with regards to rink guidelines, physical distancing measures, they will be removed from the program without refunds.  Please Note that Refunds will not be given to families who withdraw on a voluntary basis 

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