semi-private lessons
Champions Hockey Semi-Private Lesson Program is one of the most effective and efficient teaching methods for hockey players of any level. Join us for a highly tailored personal on-ice session(s) focused on your specific needs and situations. We are dedicated to ensuring that each player is improving upon their specific weaknesses that will take them closer to becoming a complete player. This type of instruction will dramatically and noticeably improve the players’ skills as well as confidence for each participant. Drills are designed from game like situations in pattern that are followed by puck skills, shooting and incorporating the power skating skills covered earlier in the session. We will focus on advanced skill development allowing players to be challenged and achieve their goal of becoming a better hockey player.
Areas of Focus:
Power Skating: stride, balance, acceleration, over speed training, in-corner play
Puck Handling: hand positioning, puck control in different situations, body positioning for puck possession
Shooting and Scoring: wrist, snap, slap, one-timers, backhand, deflections, shooting in stride, various game situation goals
Game Strategy: breakout options, body positioning in the zones (defense, offense, neutral), timing of rushes, pass VS dump in, regroup (D to D), Power Play options
**Maximum number of participants 12 per session.
Registration Costs: $173.91 + HST (5 sessions)
PLEASE NOTE: Champions Hockey Academy will be following all recommendations, guidelines and protocols laid out by the City Of Fredericton Recreation Department, The Province Of New Brunswick and the Chief Medical Officer with regards to Covid-19. The safety of our clients is our main Priority. If Champions Hockey is forced to postpone or cancel programs due to Covid-19, remaining program funds will be credited on the participants Champions Hockey Account to be used for any future Champions Hockey Program registration. No cash or credit card refunds will be processed. If participants do not respect protocols put in place with regards to rink guidelines, physical distancing measures, they will be removed from the program without refund.